R* at 2% for the UK for 2023 Q2

Back in 2020, the journal ‘Economic Affairs’ published an article of mine that attempted to estimate the natural rate of interest for the UK economy. I followed Beckworth and Selgin (2010) to provide a rough approximation using the following formula:

In other words, the neutral rate today is equal to the long run steady real interest rate (set at 2%), plus the difference between expected Total Factor Productivity Growth, and the long run average TFP growth rate. The average is calculated as follows, with λ = 0.7:

I haven’t given it much attention since then, but I recently received an email from someone asking if I could update the figures, which I’ve done. The natural rate is of 2023 Q2 is estimated to be 1.9%, having slumped to -12.3% in 2020 Q2 and then bouncing back to 10% in Q3. Further evidence that covid times need to be looked through, somewhat, and why level targets are more important than growth ones. The r* estimate from 1998-2023 looks like this:

If we wish to look at the last 5 years, we can see the following:

This is obviously a rudimentary estimate and should be used with caution. But I hope it’s a useful contribution to the conversation about taking the natural rate more seriously.